Hilarious Video: Find Out What Happens to a Cat When It Drinks Wine

Hilarious Video: Find Out What Happens to a Cat When It Drinks Wine Hilarious Video: Find Out What Happens to a Cat When It Drinks Wine (Reproduction / Instagram)

In a video that went viral on social media, you can see a kitten trying a bit of wine and then suffering the consequences.

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In the footage, the cat dips its paw into a wine glass and then licks a bit of the liquid. After a cut, a staggering cat appears trying to climb a staircase.

Although the video is a joke, and many people have enjoyed it, others have questioned the authenticity of the footage, even suggesting the possibility that it might not be the same cat.

It’s also worth noting that alcoholic beverages cannot be ingested by both cats and dogs, as they can cause serious complications! There are already fake ‘beers’ and ‘wines’ for pets available in the market to safely give to your little friend.

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